NOVEMBURGER is an annual burger festival that takes place in November each year in the greater Hamilton and Halton regions. The festival boosts traffic to local restaurants while raising funds and awareness for local charities. Awards are given for:
Best tasting Novemburger as determined by audience ratings through novemburger.org (online voting page activated on November 1)
The restaurant with the most Novemburgers sold
THE GAUNTLET: The person (or people) who eats and shares* the most Novemburgers.
*You must upload a picture of yourself and the Novemburger to a social media post or story and tag @novemburger + the restaurant. You must upload a unique social media post/story for each Novemburger.
Why was it started?
When local businesses attract new customers by participating in a festival that raises money for local charities, everyone wins. We aimed to create an event that leaves a good taste in everyone's mouths!
When did the first NOVEMBURGER take place?
How much good have we accomplished?
To date, we've raised approximately $122,000 for our local charities, and 59,898 Novemburgers have been sold. The sale of these Novemburgers alone has meant more than $800,000 generated by local participating restaurants. Of course, the real financial impact is much higher as diners typically enjoy additional dishes, desserts, and beverages with their Novemburgers.
How many restaurants have participated?
Close to 200 unique restaurants in the Hamilton and Halton regions have participated throughout the years.
When and where will this year's Novemburgers be announced?
We'll announce this year's Novemburgers through October 2024 at novemburger.org and on our social channels @novemburger.
I'm a restaurant interested in participating in this year's event. How do I enrol?
We apologize, but this year’s enrolment window is now closed. Next year’s registration window will open in the Spring/Summer of 2025.
I'm a business looking for sponsor information for this year's event. How do I join the cause?
Please email yum@novemburger.org, and we'll send you a sponsorship package.